Question: Can you provide some examples of modern day prodigal sons/daughters, not necessarily from the Bible?


If you are a parent; then you know that most children have a stage when they show sighs of the “prodigal” tendency.

It is some-what worse at the present time, since the end of the 2nd. world war, as so many values which were previously standard in parents, teachers, police and governments, are now no longer in place to rein in bad behaviours and wrong thinking!  The stage has even been reached where the child’s thinking and behaviours are taking priority over some elements of Law!

With many, this is a stage that parents hope will be left behind with more age and experience; but it is not a hope held up by much of Governmental action and behaviour!

The Biblical account is revealing, as it pivots on the experience of the delinquent (Israel); and the eventual realisation of reality which is within the heart and mind of the prodigal!


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